1. Lack of Legal Safeguards Against Childhood Statelessness
Nauru’s legislation provides automatic citizenship to “a person born in the Republic on or after 31 January 1968” if they would otherwise be stateless. Therefore, stateless persons born in Nauru have access to Nauru citizenship. Due to the fact that stateless persons in Nauru became stateless before arriving in Nauru, this legislation does not effectively prevent statelessness in the country.
2. Administrative Barriers
As of 2013, Nauru reported a 96% birth registration rate.1643 Nauru has consistently reported birth registration rates over 90%, which can be attributed to the fact that births occur predominantly in the main hospital on the main island, which collaborates closely with the Civil Registry Office, facilitated by a well-established process involving the issuance of letters to parents and financial incentives. The small rate of births that remain unregistered require further investigation.