In 1945, following the environmental destruction of their Island home by phosphorus mining and conflict during World War II, the Banaban communities from Kiribati were relocated to Rabi Island in Fiji. This decision was undertaken largely without the community’s consent. The Banaban community are now considered citizens of Fiji and have rights of residence in Kiribati.
1. Reported Stateless Persons
Fiji reported zero stateless persons to UNHCR in 2020 and 2021. Fiji did not report stateless
population data at all in 2019 or 2022. According to UNHCR reports, the Pacific Islands host more than 11,800 persons of concern for statelessness, the majority of them residing in Fiji and Papua New Guinea.
2. Persons at Risk of Statelessness
Children born to stateless and/or foreign parents and children proven to be born in Fiji whose nationality is undetermined are at risk of statelessness because of gaps in the citizenship legislation of Fiji.